Our allergy services start with a percutaneous skin allergy test where patients are tested for 54 environmental allergens, including molds, animals, weeds, grasses, and trees. This test does not include the use of needles but is rather a “scratch” test. Results are determined by the body’s histamine response to the allergens presented. If a patient has a positive reaction to an allergen on their initial allergy test, allergy immunotherapy will be offered at the clinic. With this form of treatment, the patient is continually exposed via subcutaneous injections to the very same allergens they reacted to on the initial allergy test. These injections will be given in increasing amounts over an extended period of time until the amounts of these allergens occurring naturally don’t bother them anymore. To get started, fill out our online symptom screening assessment at the following address: https://rb.gy/1qgkhn